quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012

Chi Magazine Publishes More Topless Photos Of Kate Middleton


Chi Magazine published more photos of Kate Middleton sunbathing topless today. “The Queen Is Nude!” reads the front cover of the Italian gossip magazine. Inside, there are 50 pages of Kate sunbathing while on vacation in the south of France with Prince William. Chi decided to publish the photos of Kate — some of which are topless — even after the Royal couple took legal action against French magazine Closer last Friday. Closer magazine was the first to publish topless photos of Kate sunbathing, taken by paparazzi who photographed Kate without her knowledge.

Related Link: French Magazine Closer Publishes Topless Photos Of Kate Middleton

Chi editor Alfonso Signorini told The Associated Press that he doesn’t fear any legal consequences given that the photos were already in the public domain, thanks to Closer magazine. Despite the ongoing scandal, Kate and William seem to be coping well. The couple are currently in the Solomon Islands as representatives of the Queen on her Jubilee year. We hope the scandal blows over quickly and that Kate and William can get on with their busy year ahead.

Related Link: Italian Magazine Chi To Publish More Photos Of Kate Middleton Topless

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